Sunday, 5 October 2014

More About Me

So... You already know the basics about me from my profile, but who am I really? Find out about my pets, hobbies and writing habits here.


I cannot tell you the year in which I was born - after all, one does not ask the age of a lady. But I can tell you the day -  30th December, although I was 5 days late...


My main interests are reading long books far too fast, and having to re-read in order to understand them, writing big and small stories, and baking/eating lots of cake. (I have never attempted all three at the same time, and I don't suggest you do either!)

Favourite Books

I know on my profile I said I had too many favourite books, but here are some from when I was a child:
  1.  The Talking Parcel by Gerald Durrell
  2. When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit by Judith Kerr
  3. The Famous Five by Enid Blyton
  4. Brer Rabbit, retold by Enid Blyton
  5. The Phoenix and the Carpet by E. Nesbit
Monty looking angelic...


I currently have 9 chickens, a mad springer spaniel called Monty, an ancient Burmese cat called Alex and a hamster called Aliona.

The pets mostly get along, and Alex and Monty (the normally feuding pair) have been known to share the spot next to the fire on a cold winter's night.

What I write

I love to write stories in particular, but I also write poetry. Sometimes I will be just about to fall asleep, and I'll suddenly have an idea for something; a poem, story plot or even just a line of dialogue, and if I don't write it down I'll never get to sleep until I do. I write any ideas in a little black notebook which I started to use as a child.

The aim of my blog

The aim of this blog site is to get some of my writing out into the world, and to get some opinions on my work. I have been writing from a very young age, but have never had public approval. I aim to write for children at different ages. For example, my Bedtime Stories are for 4 - 7 year-olds, whereas my life and soul, Emma Hood, is aimed more at 10-14 years-old. Note: None of my works have yet been published, and most are still in progress.


  1. COMMENT ABOUT: What is your favourite type of cake? Do you have a mad pet? Are there any other questions you have about me?

    1. My favourite cake is lemon drizzle cake, and I have a pet chinchilla who I share with my two older sisters,and I have two hamsters called Alvin and Theodore.

    2. Aww, we had a hamster with the same name! Theodore sadly died 3 weeks ago, but we now have a hamster called Sesame.

  2. When my first hamster Chico died,I was really sad,and I had to stay off school for a few days. It is always really sad when pets die. :(
