Waiting and waiting, but not ever to reach -
Never rushed but steadily, quietly existing.
Roughly carved by the world's kind hands,
Painted and re-painted by the seasons.
Green by Spring, for new fresh life
Deeper for Summer's ripe days
Autumn prefers a sleepy brown
But Winter can never decide.
Here they stand, present as guards
But not nearly as attentive.
Just whispering idle gossip
Just watching the years float gently by.
A Suspended Silver Coin

Never to be disturbed, just to delight.
It smiles as it watches the earth, and
Casts a pale glow over the rapt faces.
Worth so much, to see the beauty
of a million stars in clear, pearly moonlight.
Still, sultry nights for simply gazing
In wonder, at the heavens.
Never has a coin, dropped by the Dark, been so elegant.
Autumn Leaves
Daubs of paint, swirling gently
Onto thick, mulched paper.

The lights of summer are dimmed,
Stored away for next year.
Bronzed and gilded, laced with holes -
Gold and green and brown.
Maroon, chestnut and oh! I could go on
With all the seasonal palette.
Goodbye to the rich sunshine, and
Welcome to the gentle warmth of Autumn's open fires.
Dawn Light

Giving a firework display of colours
An empty sky, watercolour paints merging
Into a delightful blend. Stripes of pale pink and lilac -
the faintest blue and a border of deepest indigo.
Silhouettes of the land, reminder of the short life
These delicate scenes have.
Every morning as special and different as the last.
COMMENT ABOUT: What season is your favourite? Do you like walking in woodlands, or do you prefer patchwork fields and farmland?